How will you know if you did a good job in your TTalk session? 

Sometimes, it will be very obvious just from how the conversation proceeded. But not always. 

Generally, we find that our facilitators become quite skilled in providing rich feedback on-the-fly. And they can nudge you towards areas in the conversation that you should explore. 

But this may be depend on how the scenario is designed. Sometimes the facilitators are instructed to remain strictly in-role so you may be left to reflect on the conversation. Also remember that we tend to be our own worst critics: you may have felt awkward and stunted in your chat, and yet handled the key points of the conversation just fine. 

OLab captures all of the conversations on both sides. We find this very helpful in providing feedback to both learners and to facilitators. OLab also captures all the timestamps - don't feel rushed into replying... but this also helps us to analyze situations where the facilitator may have been delayed in responding to you. 

At the end of the scenario, the case author can provide you with a simple report, giving you feedback on how you did. 

A visual server log of TTalk traffic:

Fig 1.

Other OLab objects may be blended into a TTalk node -- all of these responses are also captured into the activity metrics. The case author may also use Counters so that you are rewarded with points for better pathways, no matter whether you chose that pathway, or the facilitator directed you along that pathway. 

Last modified: Monday, 4 March 2024, 6:39 PM